Cramp Bark- Tincture 2 oz
2 oz liquid organic herbal extract
Benefit: used to treat pain from muscle cramps, especially period cramps may also help prevent kidney stones and type 2 diabetes
Made with organic ingredients
Local Vodka infused with organic Cramp Bark
Suggested use: Shake well before use. Take 1 full squeze of dropper 1-3 times a day
- Cramp Bark - Viburnum opulus
- Pain from muscle cramps
- Period cramps
- help provent kidney stones
- low back pain
- Anti - inflammatory
An herbal supplement made from the shrub’s dried bark has traditionally been used to treat pain from muscle cramps, especially period cramps, although other parts of the plant may also offer benefits.
Cramp bark’s name comes from its use as a pain treatment for cramps, particularly menstrual cramps. Some research suggests it may also help prevent kidney stones and type 2 diabetes.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please note that these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If a medical condition persists, please consult a health care professional.
Small artificer lot, Plattsmouth NE